The Division 2: Weekly Vendor Reset

Last updated: 2025.02.11

This is the latest vendor reset information. It contains all items on sale and is updated every week. Vendors restock on Tuesdays at 3:30 AM EST.

Cassie is closed at the time all other vendors reset. I will add her items as soon as I can after she opens on Wednesdays. You can check her current schedule in the resources section.

Goodbye NYC, Hello DC

This reddit post summarizes the reasons why I discontinued The Division 1 resets to focus on The Division 2 exclusively. It also reflects on 3 years of doing vendor resets, please give it a read. Some volunteers are keeping The Division 1 reset alive with their own sheet for items on sale so make sure to check it each week.


For recommendations, discussion, suggestions and feedback, use the current weekly thread in The Division subreddit. You can join us in The Division Community Discord to chat, talk builds, ask questions and to get a group for any activity.

At the end of the items list you can find links to valuable community resources like a map with Snitch locations to spawn Cassie, her current timer schedule, the datamined gear attribute sheet, and more.


Weapons | Mods | Resources


Gear | Mods | Resources


Gear | Weapons | Resources


Gear | Weapons | Mods

The Snitch and Cassie

This map contains more than 30 locations for Jared “The Snitch” Nash and 6 for Cassie Mendoza that I have collected while exploring. A few of them other agents generously shared with me. To spawn him, fast travel to the nearest location and see if he’s there. Once you talk to him, Cassie will appear on the map with a shopping cart icon. You don’t need to do the bounty if you’re in a hurry. Go to the bounty section on your map and select abandon to save it for later.

Cassie’s current opening times: Sunday 7:00 PM EST, Wednesday 3:00 AM EST, Friday 11:00 AM EST.

Weapon Damage Calculator

I made a weapon damage calculator to use it on my own and for the vendors. It can calculate the damage percentile of any weapon so you know if a roll is good or bad. To use it, just make a copy and input your weapon damage values from the character sheet in the first section or just the base damage value shown in game after enabling it in the weapons section of your inventory. The sheet has a short link in the instructions so you can share it or bookmark it more easily.


The Division Community Discord

The Division Community Discord server is the best the community has to offer in high level theorycrafting and discussion. Having been around since the launch of The Division 1, it has an active LFG across all three platforms. Also has a passionate fan base that continues to build resources and tools to assist you in getting the most out of the game. Stay informed of new updates in the game and be involved in the thriving community that is always there if you have a question or a LFG need.


Gear Attribute Sheet

The gear attribute sheet made by Ahmad was the first datamined information published and has proven to be an invaluable resource like his sheet for The Division 1 after 1.8 was. If you find any inaccuracies or missing information, you can reach out to him on reddit: u/BestNadeThrower and Discord: Ahmad#0001.


The Division Timers

A couple of members of The Division Community Discord made a site that shows all the in game timers in your local time zone. It also has the open and close timers for Cassie so you can use it to check if she’s open or not before you go find the snitch.
